Instant booking of Put Bets and their use with TruePlace Bets


By Marty Wollner



The “Put Bet” in traditional craps games allows a player to essentially make a Pass-Line Bet or a Come Bet on an already established number. For example, if the shooter has already established a 4 as the point, any player can then make a Put Bet upon the pass line.


It is to the obvious disadvantage of the player to do so because he is making a bet at an already great disadvantage, in this example, a 4 must be rolled before a 7, a whopping 2 to 1 disadvantage for a bet that pays even money. However, Put Bets have a great usefulness if the player makes them in conjunction with Free Odds Bets, and now even more so with TruePlace Bets.


Suppose we are in casino offering 10 times odds. By making say, a $10 Put Bet on the 4 point, the player can then make the associated $100 Free Odds bet, and this makes the overall payout of the these 2 bets:


($10 x 1) + ($100 x 2) = $210


This is much better than if the player had made a $110 Place Bet on the 4 point:


$110 x 9/5 = $198


12/198 equals 1.2 % better profits from Put Bets.


In a casino offering 100 times odds, ($10 x 1) + ($1000 x 2) = $2010 vs. $1818, which is 192/1818, or 10.6% better profits from Put Bets.


Put Bets provide another way for the player to get the most out of the maximum odds the house is offering. In addition, Put Bets allow the player to choose which numbers he wants to bet on, which is also the primary goal of TruePlace Bets, and the basis of the “dilemma example” described in the provisional.


An obvious implication of Put Bets is that once the player makes them, they become instantly committed, and cannot be reduced or removed, the same way any established come bet cannot be reduced or removed. Once made, the player must wait for the outcome, as detailed in the provisional.


An obvious restriction on Put Bets is that they are never allowed for Don’t Pass Line Bets or Don’t Come Bets, because this would give the player a positive advantage over the house.


There is a hidden implication in making Put Bets, not seen in any other bets in traditional craps games; I’m calling it “Instant Booking” of the bet. When the Put Bet is made, the player can then instantly make the associated Free Odds bet. Since he is able to do so, the Put Bet must have been “instantly” booked. Looking at all of the other bets in traditional craps games, there is never any similar situation; all of the Free Odds Bets in the game can only be made after a point has been established by rolling the dice. So a dice roll must occur between the posting of the flat bet and the time the player can then make the associated Free Odds bet. Only with Put Bets, can a player bet on the associated Free Odds bet immediately.


The entire discussion above applies to Put Bets used in existing Traditional craps games. Please research Put Bets if needed from any popular resource. Put Bets are legal and very popular in most casino craps games.



This has a great and positive impact on TruePlace Bets. By making Put Bets available to the TruePlace betting pool instantly, a player can walk up, make the Put Bet and then instantly make any number of TruePlace Bets without having to wait for a dice roll to occur. Without Put Bets and the ability of the system to accept, book and commit these bets and update the pool of balance available for TruePlace Bets, all instantly, players would otherwise need to wait at least one betting cycle to occur before any of the TruePlace Bets can be made.


I expect this to make TruePlace Bets even more appealing, especially for players desiring a simpler game. The use of TruePlace betting in conjunction with P1’s ability to provide many multiply-mapped concurrent games featuring many TruePlace Bets makes this an outstanding feature for those players looking for simple games with bets paying true odds. Players don’t even have to understand the concepts of come-out rolls vs. on-point rolls to play familiar True Odds Bets like TruePlace_CoinFlip or TruePlace_RockPaperScissors. It greatly contributes to the goals we have established for the overall suite of P1, TPB, and P2.